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If you run a website that we haven't thought to include, or there is one that you can recommend because you've found it helpful, please let us know, as we're looking to build this section.

Useful Web resources for the Sociology of Religion

British Religion in Numbers provides searchable reports of data gathered on religion in Britain, both contemporary and historical, as well as accessable but highly expert accounts of what they mean. The brainchild of sociologist and demographer David Voas and historian Clive Field. 

The Association of (formerly 'The American') Religion Data Archives archives downloadable datasets that will be useful to many sociologists of religion. Despite the change of name, by far the greater proportion of the datasets here do deal with American religion, and will be abundantly useful to sociologists interested in religion there. A number of international and transnational datasets are archived, along with country reports which make sometimes illuminating reading. Be sure to check out the Religion Research Hub, which has a series of useful theoretical, methodological and bibliographic resources.

The EUREL website aims to provide accurate and up-to-date information on the social and legal status of religion in Europe from an interdisciplinary perspective.Add Description here

Not just sociology of religion, but a massive compendium of sociology resources online.

Useful and accessable guides to a number of religious traditions. No longer updated, but a useful resource for students nevertheless.

Good brief introductions to a number of different faith traditions, provided by the Highter Education Academy, and hosted on the SocRel website.

Reflecting a growing interest in the past few years in non-religion and secularity not just as the absence of religion but as something of scholarly interest in and of itself, the NRSN webpages have become a major hub for this research.

The Religion and Diversity Project is a seven year Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) funded Major Collaborative Research Initiative housed at the University of Ottawa (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada). The Religion and Diversity Project site ( includes information related to its 37 team members from across the globe who are looking at questions and weighing in on religious issues in Canada and abroad from a variety of perspectives including: religion, law, communication, sociology, history, political science, education and philosophy. 

Lots of useful resources for sociologists of religion, though much of iit at present not terribly up to date. The Encyclopedia of Religion and Society (Swatos, 1997) likely also needs a new edition, but having access to this online is brilliant.

All the sacred texts that you could want to consult.

Christian focused, but amazingly comprehensive collection of texts.

Facinating resources related to the Pluralism Project at Harvard Divinity School.

Digital resources assembled from libraries that are part of the Americn Theology Libraries Association. 

Most important synopsis of worldwide news on religion including the profound, the serious, the trivial and the amusing.

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