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The British Sociological Association Study Group has been the hub of sociology of Religion in Britain since 1975, and holds annual conferences as well as sessions at the Annual BSA Conferences. The association has a firm commitment to mentoring each new generation of sociologists of religion. The association includes many members who come from other disciplines.

The Association for the Sociology of Religion is the primary professional association for US based sociologists of religion, with an annual conference organized abutting to the American Sociological Association conference.

The Society for the Scientific Study of Religion has a membership somewhat broader than the ASR, and, like its journal, the Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, includes contributions from political scientists, psychologists, and for a time had a strange contingent of economists as well. Holds an annual conference in the Autumn.

Holding conferences every second year, The International Society for the Sociology of Religion operates in English and in French.

Research Network 34 is a network of the European Sociological Association, and is dedicated to the Sociological Study of Religion in Europe.

The Religious Research Association is a US based association that includes sociologists of religion, but also people working in religious organizations on related topics.

The Center for Critical Research on Religion aims to bring a more critical agenda (much of it inspired by the Frankfurt School) to sociological research on religion. It has an active web-list, publishes Critical Research on Religion and a book series, Studies in Critical Research on Religion..

The Asociacion de Cientistas Sociales de la Religion del Mercosur is the major scholarly association for sociologists of religion in the Spanish an Portuguese-speaking Americas. The association publishes Ciencias Sociales y Religión/ Ciências Sociais e Religiâo.

The British Association for the Study of Religion encompasses a variety of disciplines in the academic study of religion.

The Research Committee on the Sociology of Religion (RC22) is the section of the International Sociological Association tasked with advancing theory and research in the sociology of religion, in the context of world sociology.

The American Academy of Religion is perhaaps the largest and most diverse assemblage of religion scholars anywahere. Traditionally leaning much more towards the humanities than the social sciences, it has in the past few years incorporated a sociology of religion group. 

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